Olivia Greenup & Dan Street w/ Our Kids in the Ruins of Capuchinas Convent |
It has been one full year for us in Guatemala! Hard and good. We are so thankful to be here serving the Lord in Guatemala. We love the people, the church, the language, the culture, and our life down here. Keep reading for some updates and prayer requests.
Since it's been a few months, here are some quick bullet point updates:
- MAY was full of finishing our school year, finishing up Spanish lessons, and McKenzie turned 13!
- JUNE was a very full month for us. We were SO busy seeing all of the people we love in the states. Our days were packed and although we were very tired, we left built up and ready to come home to Guatemala.
- JULY was a very busy and full month for us. Days after returning home we helped a team from Florida paint a church and run a VBS. The two weeks after they left, we spent packing and moving into our new house. It is only half a mile from our last house, but it saves us 10-12 minutes because we no longer have to cross the crazy highway (if you could see it, you would understand 🙂). We are also now only 7 minutes from our church which is really helpful with how often we are there. We are so thankful for our new home.
- AUGUST The first week of August was very fun for us. We had a small group of 4 from ITC come and visit, and we enjoyed introducing them to all the people we do ministry with, and giving them a glimpse of what we do here. It was very encouraging to spend a week with them here. We have picked up our normal routine of ministry again here.
Prayer requests:
- Like most of you, we are starting school again this year: Seth is in 10th grade, Jasmine and McKenzie are in 8th, Jack is in 7th and Kaylee is in 4th. We are still homeschooling and using online programs to help us (Veritas Press). Pray for us this year as none of us are excited about another year of homeschooling - but we are so thankful that it is an option for us!
- We are investing more into the school this year. Dan will be leading live worship for the kids one day a week and Kadi is going to help with some fundraising for the new school & church building. Pray we are helpful and effective!
- We are making progress with Spanish but it is slower than we would like it to be and that is frustrating. Dan really wants to be able to preach in Spanish, without a translator, and it would be incredibly helpful to the church. We want to deepen relationships with people here and we need better Spanish (including slang!) to be able to do that!
- Pray for us to be good stewards of our time and energy to effectively share the gospel and to see people be saved. We long for lives to be changed and to see the Lord work here.
- Pray for our kids. They are doing really well, are serving in different ministries down here, and building relationships, but they still feel the loss of the family, friends, language, and culture they left behind in the states. We praise the Lord that he is working in their lives and teaching them to fear and trust Him. Please keep praying for strong relationships to form and for those to grow quickly!
Enjoy some pictures from the last few months:
Jack Playing Soccer w/ Local Kids at Field of Dreams Feeding & Bible Ministry |
McKenzie Getting Prayed for at Church on the Week of Her Birthday |
In the States Jack went Fishing w/ Grandpa Mike and Uncle Brian and Caught This! |
Dan Lighting off Fireworks w/ his Brothers on the 4th of July in the States |
Visiting Dan's family Including his Grandma Louise back in the States |
Kaylee & Jasmine on Grandpa's 4-Wheeler back in the States |
Seth and Dan playing Worship at Indian Trail Church |
This Looks Familiar. Our Return Trip from the States back to Guatemala! |
Ready to Move to Another House! |
Moving Day! How many mattresses can we fit?! |
Jack Hiking up Pacaya Volcano w/ A Missions Team |
Jack & McKenzie at the New Shopping Plaza. Shopping Trips are Much Quicker Now! |
Dustin, Olivia, Dan, & Mike giving out Hugs to Kids at Light of the World School |
Dan Street Helping Install a Wood Burning Stove in a Home That Needs It |
The ITC team delivering the Gospel and Food to a Family in Need |
Mike Street going into a Home Where he Shared His Testimony & the Gospel |
After the Men's Church Soccer Game |
After the Women's Church Soccer Game |
Dustin Preached at El Faro church in Spanish! Juan Carlos read his Passage before the Sermon. |
This Young Lady Heard the Gospel & Accepted Jesus as Her Lord & Savior! |
Hiking Down from The Cross of the Hill |
The ITC Team & Abso Kids in the Ruins of the Capuchinas Convent |
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